
How to use this learning material (to learners)



Features of this material.


The materials provided by SJ-NET are characterised by three key features.


        You can learn what you want, when you want, on your PC or smartphone.


        You can learn via actual activities with other Japanese speakers around you.


        You learn the Japanese language to participate in professional and community in Japan, as well as express your opinions freely.




This website is designed to enhance the Japanese language skills needed to work in the accommodation industry (hotels, inns, etc.). It has been devised so that you can study on your own and enhance your skills while working.


1.教材のトピック Topics





The subjects of this website (called topics in these materials) were selected based on a comprehension of the work of the accommodation industry and the specific tasks that are performed. For instance, the topic “Understanding Hotel Work” is designed to assist students in understanding, in Japanese, the organizational and operational procedures of a hotel, along with the distribution of responsibilities among various job positions. This course provides fundamental knowledge of the hotel business and equips learners with the Japanese language skills necessary for discussing organizational structures and job roles. The topic “Grooming” uses restaurant staff as an example but allows users to learn the basic concepts of “grooming.” Simultaneously, you can learn Japanese you need to prepare appropriately for actual work, ask questions about unclear points, and express your own opinions.


Learning objectives have been established for each topic. You can judge for yourself how well you have achieved your learning goals. It is not necessary to  completely accomplish the goals from the beginning. Often, even if you do not at first, you can enhance your achievement by working on several topics and then working on those topics again.


2 学習方法  Methods of learning. 


Three types of activities are available to achieve the learning objectives of each topic.









It is an activity to learn basic insights about the topic and the vocabulary and expressions used. Specifically, they engaged in writing and speaking (OUTPUT) exercises to demonstrate their comprehension of what they read and listened to (INPUT). Some activities are accompanied by translation or audio to aid understanding of the content, but others do not. To help understand, you can use translation and voice-generation app if needed. Answers are provided for comprehension questions.


Please ask Japanese speakers around you to assist you in checking the meanings, pronunciations, and answers to the free-writing questions. This activity is also a valuable opportunity to engage in conversation with the Japanese people around you.


In this activity, there is no need to try to learn vocabulary and expressions quickly. It is beneficial to repeatedly practice saying and using them, even while referring to the vocabulary list.






These activities aim to perform the tasks of the topic. It can be the actual job itself, a close proximity to the work, or a discussion about the issue. It is crucial to engage colleagues and supervisors in these activities. Enhancing job performance and Japanese language skills not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the company’s overall effectiveness. It is also an opportunity for those around you to enhance their communication skills.






This activity is intended to assist in self-directed learning management. Think about whether you were able to achieve your goals using Japanese and, if not, identify any gaps in your understanding and devise a personal study plan to address these areas of improvement.